OCHCH is committed to providing valuable educational and career development programming to Ohio’s care community. The Education Pass enables no-cost or deeply discounted registration to a wide range of OCHCH-managed and select partner-managed educational opportunities posted on our Education Calendar. The Home Health Aide Training Program provides agencies with the tools and resources needed to efficiently train home health aides at scale.
OCHCH Bowling Social
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (EDT)
Registration closes Tuesday, 3/19 @ 10 am
Contact us directly after that time to inquire about attendance.
Join the OCHCH Team and your fellow Ohio care community members for a fun evening at the annual OCHCH Bowling Social at Star Lanes Polaris in Columbus!
We have reserved six lanes and are gathering 12 teams to bowl from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Each team will have a 90 minute time slot. Round 1 will be from 5:30 to 7 pm, followed by Round 2 from 7 to 8:30 pm.
Teams will be limited to four people per group. Registration is set up to allow for individuals on up to four tickets at once.
Individual registrations will be randomly assigned to bowl with other attendees. If you register to attend with a colleague or friend, you can request to be grouped together or bowl with other attendees.
For non-bowlers, a networking only option is available for $25.
Dinner is included with your registration. A cash bar is available.
Four $50 Gift Card Prizes will be awarded at the end of the event!
We expect this event to sell out so register today to lock in your spot at the lanes!
$50 per bowler.
Teams limited to 4 bowlers each.
See event description for details on teams, food, and bowling times.
$25 for networking only, non-bowlers
The OCHCH Education Pass does not apply to this event.
8655 Lyra Drive
Columbus, OH 43240 United States
Venue website: StarLanesPolaris.com