OCHCH has partnered with McBee to provide this educational event at no cost to OCHCH members with an Education Pass. Members must register through the OCHCH website for this benefit. Online registration closes at Noon on the day before the event. Contact us directly after that time to register.
If you have not purchased or renewed your Education Pass for 2025, now is the time! Visit this link!
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Participants will learn valuable insights on how to improve their coding skills, emphasizing the importance of getting accurate information at intake and coding to ensure proper reimbursement and improved patient outcomes. Additionally, learn common wound coding errors and how to avoid them, as well as best practices for documentation and coding different types of wounds in home health settings.
Important Details
A recording will be available to attendees for 30 days post-event. Webinar pricing is per person. Only the individual who registers will receive access to the Zoom link and be eligible to earn Continuing Education credits. Sharing of links or credentials is not permitted.
Continuing Education (Provided by McBee)
Details regarding credits for this webinar will be announced closer to the session date.
McBee, a division of Netsmart Technologies, is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Members with Education Pass - $0
Members (no Education Pass) - $59
Non-Members - $99