OCHCH is committed to providing valuable educational and career development programming to Ohio’s care community. The Education Pass enables no-cost or deeply discounted registration to a wide range of OCHCH-managed and select partner-managed educational opportunities posted on our Education Calendar. The Home Health Aide Training Program provides agencies with the tools and resources needed to efficiently train home health aides at scale.

Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation Tool: Leaders need to do more than HOPE
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)
This is a State-Share Educational Program. OCHCH has partnered with The Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home to offer this education to OCHCH members. Because this program is managed by our state-share partner, registration fees will apply equally to members with or without an Education Pass. Webinar links, handouts, recordings, and other educational collateral will be provided by the organizer. Non-members should contact the organizer for information on how to attend.
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This is a single registration for a two-day series on 4/22 and 4/24. Both sessions are from 2 pm to 3 pm.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have finalized the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) instrument, to better track patient outcomes and regulatory compliance across the hospice stay. Hospices across the country are preparing for the changes inevitable with the implementation of HOPE.
Participants will gain insight into the operational challenges associated with integrating the HOPE tool into existing workflows, including staff training, documentation alignment, and technology integration.
The session will also explore best practices and strategic approaches to streamline implementation, reduce staff burden and ensure accurate, efficient data collection.
Key strategies will include assessing organizational readiness, leveraging technology, and supporting compliance efforts to drive a culture of quality care.
OCHCH Members - $139 (includes both days)
Registration will close 1 day prior to the webinar to ensure registrant details can be provided to the organizer.
Virtual on MS Teams